Heart Disease vs Cholesterol
This visualizations shows a boxplot of cholesterol between the two groups of people with and without heart disease. For the people with heart disease boxplot, 50% of the data is between 212 and 283 cholesterol because that's the bounds for the box. Then most of the rest of the data is between 110 and 388. For the people without heart disease, the cholesterol is between 203 and 269. Then most of the rest of the data is between 126 and 365. There seems to be not a big difference between these two groups. That is because the ranges for the boxplots are essentially the same and the outliers for both groups are very similar as well. The people with heart disease are slightly more spread out than the people without heart disease but that could be because of our sample size. We would think that cholesterol would not be a very important feature for distinguishing between people with and without heart disease.
Heart Disease vs Resting Blood Pressure
This boxplot shows the restingBP for two groups, one with heart disease and one without. In the heart disease boxplot, 50% of the data is between 120 and 145, and the rest of the data is between 92 and 180 In the group without heart disease, the boxplot shows that 50% of the data is between 120 and 140, and the rest of the data is between 94 and 170 There does not seem to be much of a significant difference between these two groups in terms of RestingBP. From this, we would not think RestingBP has much of an indication on whether or not someone has heart disease or not.
Heart Disease vs Age
This visualization is a box plot that shows the correlation between age and heart disease, one group with heart disease and the other without. In the heart disease boxplot, 50% of the data is between 51and 62, and the rest of the data is between 35 and 77 In the group without heart disease, the boxplot shows that 50% of the data is between 43 and 57, and the rest of the data is between 28 and 76. This shows a clear correlation between age, and whether or not someone has heart disease. We would think from this data, that the higher the age, the more likely it is to get heart disease.