Heart Disease Predictor
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Heart Disease can be complicated and hard to diagnose. We decided to make our project goal about determining whether someone has heart disease, to make it easier for both doctors and regular people to handle heart disease.


Using machine learning models such as neural networks.


Our dataset is from the website: Kaggle.

Heart Failure Prediction Dataset


We used various visualizations to analyze our data to determine if there were trends that could be used in our Machine Learning Models.

Correlation Matrix
Displays the correlation between variables
A graph that shows the count distributions of different variables
Box Plots
Shows distribution of data
Pie Charts
Shows part to whole relationships
Scatter Plot
Plots the relationship between two numerical variables
Violin Plot
It shows the distribution and density of numerical data


To view more information about the models, please click on the image.


In conclusion, we wanted to make different machine learning models to see if we can predict heart disease, and we did exactly that. In the end, we found that adaboost, random forest, and k nearest neighbors were our best models, while mlp and random forest grid were our worst models.If we were to improve our project for the future, we would try to reduce the number of false negatives since they are the most harmful when it comes to trying to diagnose heart disease. We would also try and use more complex models that could possibly be better at finding a trend and thus improve our accuracy.

Our Amazing Team

We spent three weeks learning how to code and work together.


Anthony Campbell

Hi, my name is Anthony Campbell and I am the leader of the Frenzied Physicists. I received a double major in Computer Science and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I’m really proud of the work that my team has done over the past 3 weeks, from building a website to utilizing machine learning models to predict heart failure. I’m sure that everyone is going to do great things in life and I wish them all the best!!!


Thomas Li

I am from Massachusetts and have loved AI and coding since a young age. I like eating ice cream and playing my instrument


Jeffrey Wang

Hi, I'm Jeffrey Wang, a member of the Frenzied Physicists. I do some coding for fun, along with the piano and robotics at my school.


Rhone Galchen

I am from New York and am interested in coding and AI, and enjoy playing chess and soccer


Emma Morales

Hi! My name is Emma and I am from Texas. I am interested in computer science and AI. I also love to play music and learn new things.


Halli Hewett

Hello! My name is Halli. I am from Texas and I had fun coding and working on this project. In my free time I read and play piano.


Kenju Tomita

Hi, I am Kenju. I am from New York and I am interested in coding and AI, and in this project I learned a lot about the finer details of AI, as well as on how to create models and visualizations based on data.